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George Floyd Summoned All Mothers When He Called for His Mama

“Mama!” we heard George Floyd call to a woman who died two years earlier, a sacred invocation, like a prayer invoking God’s presence because mothers are our first protectors.

When George called for his Mama, he called on me too. After our newborn wails after inhaling its first breath, we exhale with relief. We instantly begin to consider their safety with the underlying desire for them to inherit a bright future. Instinctually we become Mama Bears who will do anything in our power to protect our beloved cubs. 

George Floyd laying prostrate and gasping for air as he called for his Mama was a heartbreaking call to all White mothers to take a deeper look at our White privilege and the history of systemic racism. Regardless of race, socio-economic status, religion, sexuality, or age, if you are a Mama Bear, no one fucks with our babies…even our grown gentle cubs, who like George Floyd were 6 foot 6 and played college football and basketball.

When George Floyd’s precious and beautiful daughter, Gianna announced her daddy changed the world, every mother’s heart expanded with love. We cried tears of sadness because she’d have to grow up seeing images of her father’s despicable death and the cruel fact that he was taken away from her but. But we also cried tears of happiness because her daddy did and will continue to change the world by bringing a global awareness of the need for justice and love for all. 

George was laid to rest next to his Mama. I know Larcenia Floyd welcomed him with a big Mama Bear hug like no other. I imagine she said, “You changed the world.”


Essay- George Floyd Summoned All Mothers When He Called for His Mama

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