It’s been said the two hardest days for parents are the first day home with their newborn and the first day home without their newborn adult. My oldest child has just flown the coop, left her nest, and started her own journey. She’s in a new city two thousand miles from home, an independent young adult no longer under my roof. After moving her in and hugging her goodbye on her new campus, I’m here to report I cried like a blubbering baby in the rental car on the way to the airport without her. I also wouldn’t want and can’t imagine her being anywhere else.
Understanding the power of community, I organized a Care Package Party with thirty other families who had new freshmen who’d just left home. Knowing college kids love getting packages from home, they’d be even more excited to receive one with different items from so many families. The party was a success, mostly because all of us parents had time to be together, connect, and share. Before sealing up my daughter’s box with a few things she needed from home, I wrote her an inspirational note I share on this podcast, initially hoping it would make her feel better but now also hoping it makes you feel better too. It sure made me feel better.
How bittersweet it is a parent’s job is to teach their children not to need them anymore. The hardest part of this parenting gig is accepting your success. The moment my newborn’s umbilical cord was cut, my goal was for her to create autonomy and have her need me less. It doesn’t mean I can’t remind my newborn adult I will always be there for her when she needs to rest her wings.
Corresponding Article- Newborn Adult- From Cradle to College to Care Packages
Grown and Flown Article on Care Package Parties
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